Data publikacji: 2023-09-22

Międzynarodowa Konferencja Podatkowa pt. "Taxes of Tomorrow. Directions of tax law development in European countries"

Wydarzenia i imprezy

Szanowni Państwo,

Śląski Oddział Krajowej Izby Doradców Podatkowych organizuje międzynarodową konferencję podatkową pt. "Taxes of Tomorrow. Directions of tax law development in European countries".

Konferencja odbędzie się tylko w formie on-line, dla wszystkich nieodpłatnie. O szczegółach transmisji poinformujemy Państwa w terminie późniejszym. 

Udział w konferencji – 5 pkt.  zgodnie z uchwałą nr 12/2022 KRDP z dn. 14 lutego 2022 r. Punkty zostaną przyznane pod warunkiem zapisania się na Konferencję poprzez panel mDoradca. Zapisy do 21.09.2023 r.  Program Konferencji poniżej w załączeniu. 

Referaty i prelekcje poświęcone będą kierunkom rozwoju prawa podatkowego w Europie i dotykać między innymi takich obszarów jak:
· opodatkowanie nowych technologii, wyzwania opodatkowania w dobie popularyzacji i rozwoju pracy robotów i sztucznej inteligencji;
· cyfryzacja funkcjonowania administracji podatkowych, w tym automatyzacja raportowania;
· unifikacja europejskiego prawa podatkowego.

Przedstawiamy poszczególnych wykładowców:

- dr Mariusz Cieśla: Taxation of cryptocurrencies in Poland. DAC8 and CARF approach
- dr Bartosz Kubista: Taxes and metaversum
-  dr Antoni Kolek: Taxation of robots' work or taxation of products and effects of robots' worl. Between robot income tax and tax on income from intellectual property rights
- dr Mikołaj Kondej: Implementation of Pilar II and its impact on stste incentives - why EU seems to be at a disadvantage??
- dr Michał Bernat: EU Foreing Subsidies Regulations as a Tool to Combat International Tax Competition
- Anna Karczewska: The MLI and its practical perspectives
- Diego Conte: The taxpayer and his rights: the Stone Guests in the development of the european tax law.

Konferencja została objęta patronatem Krajowej Rady Doradców Podatkowych oraz przez Dziekana Wydziału Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach. Konferencja będzie prowadzona w języku angielskim i będzie nieodpłatna. 

Notatki biograficzne wykładowców:

- dr. Mikołaj Kondej - The European Union enacted directive 2022/2523 of 14 December 2022 on ensuring a global minimum level of taxation for multinational enterprise groups and large-scale domestic groups in the Union. The directive is based on pilar II model rules developed by OECD. Aim of those regulations is to ensure 15% minimum rate for MNE with EUR 750 million consolidated revenues. At the same time in the European Union restrictive rules of state-aid exist. Those rules may limit EU countries' ability to provide non-tax incentives to enterprises from the EU. This leads to the question whether EU push forward Pilar II implementation will not make the situation of EU enterprises worse in comparison with the situation of enterprises from jurisdictions which can freely provide non-tax incentives. 

- dr. Michał Bernat is a qualified legal adviser, a chartered tax adviser, a managing counsel in Dentons' Warsaw office and an assistant professor at the Warsaw University. He specializes in taxation of foreign direct investment and M&A transactions, investment and innovation incentives, infrastructure development, supply chains and restructuring operations. Michał has assisted for more than 20 years key global and national clients in sectors ranging from heavy industry and energy to financial services. He gained international experience in tax and state aid matters at EU and international level through time spent at a law firm in Brussels, his academic activities and previous appointments at the European Commission in Brussels and at the EU Court of Justice in Luxembourg. Member of the International Fiscal Association, of the Scientific Tax Law Association and of the Competition Law Association.

- Anna Karczewska - a tax advisor, finished Postgraduate studies in tax and Postgraduate studies in international tax strategies at Warsaw School of Economics. A PhD student of Law and Administration Faculty at Warsaw University, where she is working on a doctoral dissertation devoted to the concept and evolution of income tax regulations. Professional experience gained at work at the Tax Office, Ministry of Finance and private sector working as a tax manager in international holding and a director in the department of direct and international taxation in a tax firm. For many years, she has been conducting trainings in the field of law and taxes (among others for National Revenue Administration in Poland, in international tax law and MDR). An experienced lecturer of Postgraduate studies in the field of tax law at Warsaw School of Economics. An acclaimed expert of Polish and international tax law, a frequent speaker at tax conferences. A member of International Fiscal Association. An author and co-author of many publications about law and tax regulations. 

- dr. Bartosz Kubista - Managing Partner at GLC, attorney and tax advisor. PhD in legal studies. Lecturer at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Silesia and the WSB Academy in Dąbrowa Górnicza. Vice President of the Board of the Silesian Branch of the National Chamber of Tax Advisers of the seventh term and Member of the National Council of Tax Advisers of the sixth term. Winner of the prestigious RISING STARS: Lawyers Leaders of Tomorrow 2021 award, for which he was also nominated in 2020. Former member of the New Tax Professionals Committee at CFE Tax Advisers Europe, an international organisation of tax advisers from Europe. Member of Working Group No. 11 at the Transfer Pricing Forum of the Ministry of Finance. Expert in tax law and commercial law. Author of numerous scientific publications, including the monograph Transfer Pricing Documentation as an instrument for the protection of taxpayer rights. Specialises in direct taxation, transfer pricing and legal and tax compliance.

- Paweł Suliga studied at the Krakow University of Economics. He is a certified tax advisor in Germany and Poland. For more than 12 years, he has been dealing with VAT and international tax law - especially in the taxation of cross-border situations between Poland and Germany. Pawel Suliga advises well-known clients in Germany and abroad from various industries that operate across borders. He is the managing director of Dr. Klein, Dr. Mönstermann International Tax Services GmbH. He is also a lecturer and author of press articles on tax topics as well as book publications.

- dr. Antoni Kolek Doctor of social sciences in the field of public policy sciences, Tax Advisor No. 14348. President of the Management Board of Instytut Emerytalny Sp. z o. o., of Counsel at the Wojewódka i Wspólnicy Law Firm, Assistant Professor at the Department of Management at the Kozminski University in Warsaw.

- Karolina Suska - master's degree in tax law, for 5 years actively engaged in taxation, with a passion for developing knowledge and constantly improving qualifications by participating in numerous conferences and training on tax law. On a daily basis she is engaged in tax consulting as a tax specialist at Moore Global, so she knows taxes not only in theory but also in practice.

- dr. Mariusz Cieśla – tax advisor, graduate of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Economics in Katowice, the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Silesia in Katowice and the European University of Law and Administration in Warsaw. He holds a PhD from the University of Economics in Katowice in the field of macroeconomics. Member of the National Council of Tax Advisers for the 4th and 5th term, Member of the Presidium of the KRDP - Treasurer of the KRDP for the 4th term, Vice-Chairman of the KRDP for the 5th term, Chairman of the Silesian Branch of KIDP for the 6th term, Delegate of the 4th and 5th term on behalf of the National Chamber of Tax Advisers in CFE Tax Advisers (Confédération Fiscale Européenne ) in Brussels, Member of the CFE Fiscal Committee, Member of the Tax Committee at Employers of the Republic of Poland, Chairman of the Tax Committee of the Silesian Federation of Polish Entrepreneurs. He runs a tax consultancy office, participating in tax disputes before tax authorities and administrative courts. Lecturer in the field of tax law at the University of Economics in Katowice, WSB University in Dąbrowa Górnicza, organizer and participant of tax conferences in Poland and abroad. A well-known publicist and author of many scientific works in the field of economics and tax law, including: in "Tax advisor as defender of taxpayer's rights". His popular publications are printed in many professional newspapers, such as "Rzeczpospolita", "Forum Advisors Tax" and periodicals of the Wiedza i Practice publishing house. He specializes in VAT, corporate income tax and international tax law.

- Diego Conte is a member of the Bar of Milan and has been practising for more than 10 years in the area of Tax litigation. He attended with awards an LLM in national an international taxation in 2007-2008 and a master in tax litigation in 2013. He is actively involved and associated in various professional bodies. He is member of the board of ANTI – Associazione Nazionale Tributaristi Italiani, Sez. Lombardia and coordinator of the Young Committee, and Italian delegate at CFE – Tax Advisers Europe. He is also member of the Tax Chamber of Milan and of AIJA (International Association of Young Lawyers). He regularly publishes in specialized newspapers and scientific magazines. Diego is mentioned by Expert Guides as Rising Star in the Tax practice.

Zarząd Śląskiego Oddziału KIDP